Award Guidelines


  • Nominees must represent the Exclusive Men of the Year values of diversity, respect, and integrity, for the community, and other people.
  • The only award based on age is the 40 and under Award for Young Achiever of the Year. All other awards are not based on age.
  • No nominee may be a current member of the EMY staff or event committee.
  • Nominees must be recognised for achievements and contributions made within Ghana and Africa.
  • Nominees must be aware of the nomination and give consent for the nomination and public relations involved with the event, including photo, biography, media exposure, and sponsor recognition.
  • Completed nomination with required information must be received before the nomination deadline.


From shortlisting to assessment and finally winner selection, our would–be awardees are subjected to the highest standards of scrutiny and evaluation. The process is fair and ultimately firm.

Powered by a select team of eminent professionals, experienced evaluators, supported by our event statisticians and the EMY Secretariat, our faculty is mandated to deliver the following:

  • Review all certified entries
  • Deliberate on and select honorary award winners
  • Select four nominees (or more if necessary) for each of the competitive awards categories and return it for public and peer voting.
  • Supervise the collation of incoming public and peer voting figures.